Mango Madness Smoothie

We learned how to make this smoothie while in Aruba. We have made smoothies before but we didn't use the secret ingredient -- Greek Vanilla yogurt!

Mango -- The mango shown is the larger mango. There is a smaller Mexican mango. If you use the smaller mango, you will need 3. It is best to have extra mangos on hand since you will sometimes get bad mangos.


Ripe Banana
Cup of strawberries that have been sugared. We use cane sugar since we believe it is better for the body. Use more or less sugar depending on your taste. If you pick your own strawberries and freeze them they are the best otherwise you can purchase frozen strawberries in the store.
Cup of Chobani Greek Vanilla yogurt.
Small ice cubes
In the blender
Peel the skin off the mango and remove the pit then place it in the blender
Peel the skin off the banana and then cut it into pieces then place it in the blender
Add the sugared strawberries into the blender
Add one cup of Chobani Greek Vanilla yogurt into the blender

Add your 6 ice cubes into the blender

Blend the mixture.
Pour into glasses and enjoy.
I believe Dr. Oz would approve of this drink.























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